Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024

  • Research Article

    Reimagining the Parking Experience: Seamless EV Charging in Multi-Level Garages for the Future

    Kanishka Sharma*

    Issue: Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
    Pages: 62-70
    Received: 17 April 2024
    Accepted: 25 June 2024
    Published: 26 September 2024
    DOI: 10.11648/j.jeee.20241204.11
    Abstract: The rapid growth of the electric vehicle (EV) market demands a significant overhaul of current parking infrastructure. This paper explores the future of multi-level parking garages with a particular focus on integrating efficient and seamless EV charging solutions. Traditional parking structures are increasingly inadequate for the evolving needs of... Show More
  • Research Article

    UNNIGSA: A Unified Neural Network Approach for Enhanced Stutter Detection and Gait Recognition Analysis

    Ravikiran Reddappa Reddy*, Santhosh Kumar Gangadharaih

    Issue: Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
    Pages: 71-83
    Received: 20 July 2024
    Accepted: 2 September 2024
    Published: 26 September 2024
    DOI: 10.11648/j.jeee.20241204.12
    Abstract: Stuttering, also known as stammering, is a speech disorder characterized by involuntary disruptions or disfluencies in a person's flow of speech. These disfluencies may include repetitions of sounds, syllables, or words; prolongations of sounds; and interruptions in speech known as blocks. This paper introduces Unified Neural Network for Integrated... Show More